Brief studies, Josep Sou
In this new space you can find all reflections, or brief studies, concerning the painter Antoni Miró, as much as the understandings that are produced between the artist and intellectuals of deep social repercussion. What we could call “intertwinning of poetry and thinking”.
- Antoni Miró: the strength of the Kantian analysis
- Antoni Miró: the grooves of Bertolt Brecht
- Referents of identity: V.A. Estellés and Joan Fuster. The coherence of Antoni Miró
- Antoni Miró and the sense of the trip
- Construction of the History: A. Miró with Bergson and Proust
- The music and Antoni Miró. A sensorial reinforcement
- Antoni Miró: de Gades a Sol Picó
- A huis clos: naturalism in Sartre and Antoni Miró
- Antoni Miró like Louis Althusser
- The poetic look of Antoni Miró: Painting and poetry
- From John Locke empiricism to the value of the experience in Antoni Miró.
- The “dramatis personae” in Antoni Miró’s painting
- «Reading what has never been written» A social history in painting by Antoni Miró.
- When the «characters» take shape and reveal themselves in Antoni Miró's painting
- The Baudelairian tools in the pictorial testimony of Antoni Miró
- Hegel and Antoni Miró: the understanding of freedom
- See the truth. A half-hearted challenge between Cicero and Antoni Miró
- The epic of the antihero
- The creative non-didacticism: The epic theater of Brecht and the social painting of Antoni Miró
- Dithyramb
- Perception and reality. Gombrich and Antoni Miró between the lines
- Art
- Stadium of the mirror
- Some questions
- Beginning
- Even in contradictions
- The value of words that have concepts
- The projection of the Schmürzatter
- As in the games
- The polyhedral man
- Literature in the landscape
- Reasons for ethics and morality
- Of impulses and knowledge
- Of life
- Maybe hope
- About the artist
- The city, an event
- From scepticism to action
- Also the obscurity of poetry
- Contact