A huis clos: naturalism in Sartre and Antoni Miró
A happy coincidence resulted inthe French dramatist to write his work A huis clos in 1944, the year of the artist Antoni Miró was born. And what seems to be, or is, a mere coincidence, also transcends to the field of the aesthetic-conceptual positioning. Sartre establishes the existentialist poetics of this theatrical work with the determination to make the viewers the protagonists of the reflexive experience. The action of the characters culminates in the gaze of another, in the occupation of a space reduced and almost impassable, l’enfer c’est les autres. At the same time, and under the aesthetic prism of the painter Antoni Miró, his innumerable proposals in the social space, allow interpretation, after the constant interpellation of the viewers regarding the creative cause. The look of the painter and the dramaturgy of the writer affect and need the contest of the viewer, to close the communicative experience.
Josep Sou