Memory of a fibre under acrylic and metal
Feliu Ventura
Voice: Feliu Ventura (Cantautor)
Words of colours and factory light,
Afternoons that, in a glass, make tomorrows.
Life is what happens between canvases and sheets
extended as a plane of pleasure and combat.
Born of work, a left hand
battle to bloom on the horizon,
born of the earth, the forge and the brush:
extended like a tree, it bears fruit to those who do not have it
Like the neat rage of the painter.
Stroke of pain in the entrails
of hunger for injustice and terror,
rust to close like a clenched fist in the sky:
memory of a fibre under acrylic and metal.
Tinted by the flavour of a hope
who sings like a lighthouse at noon,
peppers the mountain for a bite to infinity
and sweeps in the palette a firmament with a rain of stars.
Like the neat rage of the painter.
Like a painting by Antoni Miró.
A song by Feliu Ventura inspired in the painting "Esquerra" of Antoni Miró
Voice, music and lyrics: Feliu Ventura
Cello: Adriana Sena
Piano, accordion, bass and arrangements: Pau Chafer aRcEstudio
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