About the artist
The artist is expected to have a solidary relationship with the environment and, above all other considerations, with the citizens who accompany him in the adventure of living.
To what extent is the active participation of the artist in the management of art essential? Since antiquity the artist is linked to "il dolce far niente", and it is supposed that he remains isolated in his ivory tower, surrendered to the pirouettes of his own creation. But if art is also a commitment, the artist must verify with his cooperative effort the difficulties arising from management. Also, the advisory work must be a company that occupies the interest of the creative. Through his contacts, and through his projection, the artist must contribute to the "community" a part of his time and knowledge. Sometimes an overgrown "ego" can lead to thinking that the community is the one that has the obligation to clothe the artists. But if the community is plural and heterogeneous, opportunities, and collective generosity, would have to be shared. Although the artist must contribute his effort for the transformation of reality (leadership obliges), and therefore, thus, improve the cultural situation of the field to which he belongs.
Josep Sou