Maybe hope
If we enter, without prejudice, into the plastic work of the artist Antoni Miró, we can assure, realizing a special "sortes homericae", that hope is present at all times in the reality of his pictorial proposals. And it may seem a contradiction, given the theme that in many of its series is evident, although the hardness that is noticed does not thereby neutralize the remote purpose of the painter in his conscientious and so meticulous work. And why do we say such a thing? For the answer, the poet Virgilio helps us when he warns: "Spes sibi quisque" (each one must wait in himself), Aen. 11, 309. Thus, the painter, hopeful connoisseur of the powers of contemporary man, and faithful without limits to the benefits of individual human conduct, in its essence and presence, even in the consummation of misfortune, takes sides for hope , and that this exercise will mean the inner liberation of men before embracing the fortune of their own destiny. The artist recognizes in the multiple episodes that narrate his works that "spes ultima dea" (that hope is, sure, the last goddess.) The aphorism determines the eagerness, without cracks or fissures, in the work of the artist.
Josep Sou