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Rescat de migrants (Migrant rescue)

It has been a constant throughout his career that the suffering of the underprivileged haunts the painter. For this reason, Antoni Miró has explicitly referred in many of his works to the ills they suffer. The anguish of migrants, who are at risk of drowning while trying to reach the shores of the developed world, is a lament that does not abate and is the underlying theme in this painting.

Integrated into “Sense Sèrie”, a framework that houses various contemporary tensions, this work combines denunciation with a thread of hope, which is based on the work carried out by the organisations that rescue these others who set sail on the Mediterranean. Our sea, in reality, bathes the same cultural sphere: the roots of our civilization are embedded in both shores. However, the divide between the two is insurmountable for many today. The difficulties caused by the regulations passed to prevent many of those who try to come here from dying lead to the actions of those who are trying to fight the foreseeable outcome of the tragedy.

The intensity of a hug is represented, that of an encounter between a grateful refugee and a volunteer. This is shown against a neutral background with a special physical condition, which provides a slightly rough texture formed using bronze filings. The blue tone of the Arab migrant’s clothing refers to a colour that is typical of the Mediterranean. The light hair of the European volunteer contrasts with it, letting the red of the band gathering together the ponytail accentuate the counterpoint.

You can only see the face of one of the women, but you can sense the expressive gesture of the other. There is no doubt that two phases of gratitude are merging, leading to a growing confidence that the realities of the future can be better for everyone.

Santiago Pastor Vila

RESCAT DE MIGRANTS, 2019 / Mediterrani (Acrílic i metall s/ llenç, 81x116)Series: Món FeritAntoni Miro