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Will Win

Pau AlabajosCantautor

Voice: Pau Alabajos

History is written by women
and men who have lost their fear
to win the streets and squares
and to fill their mouth with dust.
The story is made by brave people
who have not stopped dreaming,
people who do not remain silent
before flagrant injustices.

They are the ones that advance forward,
following the direction
their hearts tell them
They are the ones that have received a thousand hits,
but they get up again
with total conviction.

How many people are willing
to fight without truce for what they believe?
How many people have finally understood
that the world should listen to their voices?

What is the price that must be paid
to defend freedom,
to protect some fundamental rights?
What is the exemplary punishment
that my brothers deserve
for the simple fact of not giving in?

The images come to my mind
of those brutal beatings
against defenceless women and men
that just wanted to vote.
They also come to my memory
obscene words to justify
the excessive use of force
on the part of the police?

They are the ones that inflate the lungs
to scream really loud
against repression.
They are the ones that sing songs
that sneak through the heavy bars
of the bastard prisons.

How many people are willing
to fight without respite for what they believe?
How many people have finally understood
that the world should listen to their voices?

What is the price that must be paid
to defend freedom,
to protect some fundamental rights?
What is the exemplary punishment
that my brothers merit
for the simple fact of not giving in?

A song by Pau Alabajos inspired in the painting "Venceremos" of Antoni Miró
Pau Alabajos: acoustic guitar and voice
Florenci "Flür" Ferrer: piano, keyboards, electric guitar, acoustic guitar, synth bass and second voices
Santos Berrocal: drums and percussion
Produced, recorded and mixed by Santos & Flür studios Blind Records of Barcelona during the month of July 2018
Recording Assistant at Blind Records: David González

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