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Costa Blanca 1993

El DiluviGrup musical

Voice: El Diluvi

The coast was as it was ...
The coast was as it was ...

Excessive construction,
Exclusive benefit;
Cheap building,
attractive performance

A future mortgaged
The demand of the market:
people without houses
and houses without people.

Concrete traders,
Wearing life costumes,
They play to death

The coast was as it was,
And now, ladies, what it is.
The coast was as it was,
White when, you judge.
The coast was as it was,
Ladies, and now, what it is.
The coast was as it was,
They have done everything they have intended.

Consensual destruction,
An addictive business;
They also offer us leisure
With negative balance.

It all depends on what you have,
They never give anything away.
We come from where we came from,
Culture of caciques.

They are not like you and me:
Wearing life costumes,
They play to death.

The coast was as it was,
And now, ladies, what it is.
The coast was as it was,
White when, you judge.
The coast was as it was,
Ladies, and now, what it is.
The coast was as it was,

They have done everything they have intended.

A song by El Diluvi inspired in de picture “Costa Blanca” of AntoniMiró
Flora Sempere: voice and bandurria
David Payá: voice and violin
Dani Garcia: ukulele
AndreuFerre: bass and ukulele
Lucas Llorens: diatonic accordion
Txus Rodríguez: classical guitar
JordiBernabeu: percussions

Most of the percussions that form the rhythmic base of the song have been made from industrial sounds, using work tools and other tools such as drums, hammers, wood, stones or sheets.

This song has been recorded and mixed in the studios Nuevo Rock Estudio of Alicante (Alicante, PV) by Martín Munera during the month of July 2018.

Production: ElDiluvi
Music and lyrics: El Diluvi